Diamond BarHigh School

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Summer School - June 10 - July 18        Fall Registration/GLC Meetings - July 8 - August 1        First Day Of School - Mon, August 12


Mathematics is an adventure!  Never fear Indiana Algebra is on YOUR SIDE!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
This is the public website and gateway to Miss Lordi's Algebra II/Trigonometry Honors classes.  Students will find the most important information in the Google Classrooms for these courses.
There is general and useful information here.  Please contact Miss Lordi [email protected] if you have any questions.


Math students will automatically be enrolled in Google Classroom.
 Renew Your Commitment To Learning.
  1. Take notes every day in class. Take notes from the lecture. Takes notes on your homework when we are going over homework. Take notes during your group discussions. Take notes when you read the book. RECOPY THESE NOTES AFTER CLASS, because writing creates learning!
  2. You know the sections we will be studying tomorrow. Read that section in your book BEFORE class. Be ready for the lecture.
Come prepared to class with questions. Questions require thought. You WILL have questions if you are thinking. NO THOUGHT ---> No Questions. It is obvious when you haven’t really been THINKING. MATHEMATICS REQUIRES THINKING.
Important Note:  I only receive email during school hours.  If you send me an email tonight, I will not read it until after class tomorrow.  PLEASE just tell me your concerns IN PERSON in class.  Thanks!
Any student who wants a recommendation letter from a math teacher for an application to an off-campus opportunity or scholarship, must submit a request to that teacher no later than THREE WEEKS before the application due date.  Each math teacher will have his or her own requirements for these recommendation requests.  Therefore, check with your teacher at least FIVE WEEKS prior to the application due date to find out what those requirements are.